Iowa City needs the Gospel. Find ways that you can reach our community and the world right outside your doorstep.
Jesus is clear: "Go and make disciples of all nations." We can obey this command right here in Iowa City, but it is also important to go, pray, and give to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
ESL ( English as a Second Language) features Cambridge’s Venture curriculum program. The focus is all aspects, listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, life skills and pronunciation. Currently, there are classes for early, intermediatem=, and advanced beginners.
ESL Classes meet Thursdays 7:45-8:45pm and Saturdays 10-11am at our East Campus location – 1027 US-6 E, Iowa City, IA 52240.
We are currently in need of permanent teachers and substitute teachers.
For more information, contact Craig Welt.
Each year international students fill out an application hoping to match with an American friend. Meeting for a cup of coffee or a trip to Walmart can be a HUGE blessing. Give your fears to God and take this step of faith to be a blessing! You can apply online by clicking the button below.
God may call you as an individual or a family to go to the nations to bring Good News to lost people. Parkview is not a sending agency, but we love to partner with Global Workers to see the Gospel spread all over the world. We currently have Global Workers in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America.
We occasionally offer short-term missions opportunities. For example, our student ministry team travels annually to Europe with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) to provide sports camps to Ukrainian refugees.
If you’re interested in going overseas or are discerning a call overseas, but aren’t sure how to get started, contact the church office.
Global Workers first and foremost need our spiritual support through prayer. Here are some common prayer requests for Global Workers:
Parkview partners in countries from the following continents to serve and be a blessing: Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America.
If you are interested in supporting Global Workers financially, you can do so in one of two ways: