Parkview Kids

Central Campus
Find out what a typical Sunday looks like for your kids birth thru 5th grade at Central Campus.
Parkview’s Nursery is a ministry to infants, toddlers, and parents, as well as volunteers. Our children begin to learn through songs and hands-on, multi-sensory activities that God loves them and created all things. We are intentional to thank Him and recognize Him in everything we see! Visitors are welcome to check in for Sunday school and head back to the nursery.
We offer age-appropriate Bible teaching time using the Beginner’s Bible two-year curriculum covering lessons from both the Old and New Testaments. Large group music and story time are followed by small group activities that provide a more intimate setting to learn how to apply spiritual principles of the story through a variety of activities including a memory verse, craft, and snack. Activities are centered on three key truths:
- God made me and all creation.
- God loves me and sent His Son, Jesus, to die for me.
- Jesus wants to be my forever friend.
In Unite, all grades come together for a large group teaching and worship time. Kids then return to their small groups for life application activities, prayer, games, and crafts. Small groups give kids the opportunity to learn about God while developing friendships with their small group leader and their peers.
In Launch, we have a large group teaching and worship time as well as small group discussion and games. Kids learn to see Biblical principles in the week’s passage and talk about how to apply those principles in their lives.
East Campus
Find out what a typical Sunday looks like for your kids birth thru 5th grade at East Campus.
At East Campus, we desire for our children to know that the Bible is not just a story, but a way for us to know God better: His Character, His Promises, and His Truth. Our volunteers walk our children through the same Scripture passages that their parents are hearing in the sermon. Our hope is that this would pave the way for meaningful conversation as a family after church! In Sunday School, children engage with the Scripture passages through games, activities, crafts, coloring, and conversation.
Our programming is broken up into three age groups: Nursery (0-3 years), Pre-K through 2nd grade, and 3rd through 5th grade.
Sunday School is offered only during the sermon, so that families can worship through song and prayer together at the beginning and end of the service. Children are also welcome to stay with their families for the entirety of the service. We offer activity clipboards to help guide the children through the sermon.
Awana @ Parkview
Wednesday Nights 6-7:45 PM
For kids age 3 (by Sep 15) through 6th grade
Awana is a premier program for impacting and changing kids’ lives. Over 60,000 churches in 130 countries participate in this Biblical discipleship program. The Awana club meetings blend Bible teaching, evangelism, Scripture memorization and tons of fun. For 35 years, Parkview Church has partnered with AWANA to reach children with the gospel and help them deepen their relationship with God and apply His Word to their lives.
Awana is held at Parkview Central Campus on Wednesdays from 6-7:45 PM during the school year. Each evening has three parts – Handbook Time, Game Time, and Teaching Time. Activities during these times include singing, hearing gospel-centered Bible lessons, participating in exciting game times, and committing God’s Word to memory while learning about the Bible and gaining a lasting faith in Christ.
Cubbies (3-4 year olds) are welcome to join with a parent volunteer. Sparks students are those in K-2nd grade. Truth & Training (T&T) are our 3rd-6th graders.
Registration for the year costs $50, which covers the curriculum as well as various awards and incentives we use in each club. Youth and adults are welcome to join our team of volunteers. We offer a discount for leaders’ children and a Nursery for their little ones. Please contact with questions or to volunteer. We encourage parents to sign your children up before Kickoff Night on September 4, 2024. However, registration is open year-round.
Subscribe to Monthly Kids Emails!
We use monthly email newsletters to keep parents informed.
Meet our KidMin Team
You can contact any of our leaders by email by clicking on their image.